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Nick Mark’s OnePager guides to critical care topics.
Approach to Pulmonary Embolism
#criticalCare #hemodynamics #shock #anticoagulation #thrombosis
Pulmonary Embolism is a complex and challenging clinical problem that varies from incidental to immediately life threatening. This OnePager summarizes my approach to PE including diagnosis, prognostication, and how I manage anticoagulation, hemodynamics, and thrombolysis or other therapies.
Current version 1.0 (2020-05-03)
Saddle vs Nonsaddle Pulmonary Embolism: Clinical Presentation, Hemodynamics, Management, and Outcomes, Mayo Clinic Proceedings 2007 (with treatment saddle PE is not associated with increased mortality compared to non-saddle PE)
Nonthrombotic pulmonary embolism, European Respiratory Journal 2009
Identification of intermediate-risk patients with acute symptomatic pulmonary embolism, European Respiratory Journal 2014 (BOVA score development & validation)
Derivation and validation of a prognostic model for pulmonary embolism, AJRCCM 2005 (PESI score development & validation)
Changes in treatment and outcomes after creation of a pulmonary embolism response team (PERT) a 10-year analysis, J Thromb Thrombolysis 2019 (improved outcomes after creation of a PE response team)
PEITHO Trail, NEJM 2014
Randomized, controlled trial of ultrasound-assisted catheter-directed thrombolysis for acute intermediate-risk pulmonary embolism, Circulation 2014
Pulmonary vascular and right ventricular dysfunction in adult critical care: current and emerging options for management: a systematic literature review, Critical Care 2010
None… yet!
Current version 1.0 (posted 2020-05-03)