Neuromuscular Blockers, BIS & TOF Monitors
#criticalCare #ARDS #oxygenation #ventilation #ICUEquipment #monitoring
Neuromuscular blockers (NMBs) can be a useful adjunct to improve oxygenation and (maybe) reduce mortality in severe ARDS. This ICUOnePager describes the physiology of muscle relaxation in ARDS, explains how to safely use NMBs as well as some basics about associated monitoring equipment: EEG/Bispectral index (BIS) monitors are used to (maybe) reduce over- or under-sedation and Train of Four (TOF) monitors are used to avoid excess blockade. I also explain why I don't like to call em "paralytics!": it sounds scare for patient/families.
Also available in 🇫🇷 French (PDF, PNG, PPT)
Current version 1.0 (originally posted 2021-11-01)