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Nick Mark’s OnePager guides to critical care topics.
Approach to Hemorrhagic Shock
#criticalCare #shock #catheters #blood #hemorrhage
Hemorrhage is truly a life-threatening emergency. Here’s an ICU OnePager summarizing how I resuscitate hemorrhagic shock, including selecting infusion catheters, hemostatic resuscitation with balanced blood products, and other considerations (coagulopathy, acidosis, hypothermia, etc). Bonus: we talk about the physics of resuscitation catheters.
Current version 1.1 (2020-04-20); updated 2022-07-08. Also available in 🇪🇸Spanish (JPG, PDF, PPT)
PROPPR Trial, JAMA 2015 (balanced ratio transfusion in people with severe trauma)
CRASH-2 Trial, Lancet 2010 (TXA in people with trauma)
WOMAN Trial, Lancet 2017 (TXA in obstetric bleeding)
HALT-IT Trial, Lancet 2020 (TXA does not improve outcomes in GI bleed)
Effect of tranexamic acid on surgical bleeding: systematic review and cumulative meta-analysis, BMJ 2012
Blood product transfusion OnePager
Current version 1.1
Originally posted 2020-04-20
Updated 2022-0708